
fresnel reflection meaning in Chinese



  1. By ior ( fresnel reflections ) - uses a fixed reflection curve based on the angle of view and its strength is controlled by the material ' s index of refraction
  2. According to the theory of light transmission , we derived the expression of rotation angle as a function of the dielectric constant conductivity of er fluid , and ( the angle between the electric vector of linearly polarized light and electric field ) from maxwell ' s equations and fresnel reflection , on the condition of several appropriate approximations and assumptions
    进而导出了非均相结构电流变液在外电场与光场交互作用下旋光角与(入射线偏振光振动方向与外加电场方向间夹角)及参数(为外加电场e 、分散颗粒介电常数、体积分数、绝缘油介电常数、位置矢量( ? )等量的函数)的西北工业大学应用物理系硕士学位论文摘要理论表达式。
  3. Iterative physical optics is extended to the analysis of electromagnetic scattering by dielectric coated targets . the theoretical model of the extended ipo is formulated by fresnel reflection coefficient . it is applied to analyze the scattering by geometrically simple , electrically large , dielectric coated cavities
    将迭代物理光学( ipo )法推广到非完纯导体边界目标的电磁散射特性分析中,建立了具有阻抗边界的ipo理论模型,并应用这种推广的ipo方法分析几何结构简单的电大尺寸介质涂敷腔体的电磁散射特性。

Related Words

  1. fresnel
  2. fresnel screen
  3. fresnel law
  4. fresnel counter
  5. fresnel hologram
  6. fresnel region
  7. fresnel lantern
  8. fresnel fringe
  9. fresnel fringes
  10. fresnel spotlights
  11. fresnel reflectance loss
  12. fresnel reflectino
  13. fresnel reflection coefficient
  14. fresnel reflection formula
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